© Copyright Mite Control Intelligence 2008
1.How can MCI help?
We at MCI are dedicated to the removal of
allergens from your home. We ensure that
you and your family have the environment
you deserve and the quality of life which we
would all expect in the place we call home.

MCI offers a number services which we believe can help you achieve your home care goals. These services include:

a.Sample test
The test is basically taking a sample from within the home, generally from the mattress [since this is usually the highest saturation point], this sample would show the home owner the condition their matress is in.

b.Bed cleaning and sanitation
The next step after identifying that there is a problem, is probably the most important, this is the actual removal of the allergens from deep within the mattress. This step involves the use of an extremely high powered vacuum with incredible suction power, along with high frequency vibrations to loosen and extract the particles trapped far beyond the surface of the mattress. 

After loosening and extracting the particles from the mattress we spray the surface of the mattress with a deodoriser to leave your mattress looking, feeling and smelling like the day it was bought.
This all important step is what would give you [our most valued customer] the satisfaction to know that not only are your sheets [which you worked so hard on] clean, but also deep within your mattress as well.
You can now rest assured that the place where you and your family should be spending their most peaceful time is now clean, sanitized and safe [free of the dreaded dust mite].
About Us
Dust Mites
How We Help
What You Should Know
UV-C Treatment